Saturday, May 21, 2016



{\Huge Title}

{\LARGE 2015}

{\Large Graduate School of Economics}
{\huge Waseda University}
{\huge Name}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}


I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my advisor



Global transportation costs have been ...

\section{Background of the Study}

\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \


\caption{Outline of the Model}

\label{outline model}
\begin{tabular}{l p{5cm} p{5cm}}

Chapter & Landlocked Country Policy & Coastal Country Policy \\
Chapter 2 & Transport Subsidy & Transit Fee \\
Chapter 3 & Transport R\&D Subsidy & Transit Fee \\
Chapter 4 & Infrastructure Provision & Infrastructure Provision \& Transit Fee \\
\tiny Source: Author

\caption{The Model Structure}
\tiny Source: Author.

\chapter{Strategic Transit Regime and Trade Policies}\label{Transit fee}%Chapter 2



\caption{Outline of the Results}

\label{outline results}
  \begin{tabular}{p{1.6cm} | p{3cm} |p{4cm}| p{4cm}}
Chapter & Firms' Competition Type & Optimal Landlocked Country Policy (sign) & Optimal Coastal Country Policy (sign) \\
2 & Cournot & Transport Subsidy (+ve) & Transit Fee (+ve) \\
3 & Cournot & Transport R\&D Subsidy (+ve) & Transit Fee (+ve) \\
4 & Cournot & Infrastructure Provision (+ve) & Infrastructure Provision (+ve) \& Transit Fee (+ve) \\
    \tiny Source: Author

\chapter{The Almathy Programme of Action}\label{AppA}

\caption{The Almathy Programme of Action}
  \begin{tabular}{l p{14cm}}

Agenda & Action \\ [0.5ex]
Transit Policy & Landlocked and Transit countries should review transport regulatory frameworks and establish regional transport corridors\\ [0.5ex]
Infrastructure Development & Landlocked countries need to develop multi-modal
networks (rail, road, air, and pipeline infrastructure projects) \\ [0.5ex]
Trade and transport facilitation & Landlocked countries need to implement
the international conventions and instruments that facilitate transit trade
(including the WTO) \\ [0.5ex]
Development assistance & The international community should assist landlocked
countries by: (1) providing technical support, (2) encouraging foreign
direct investment, and (3) increasing official development assistance \\ [0.5ex]
Implementation and review & The participating agencies should monitor the
implementation of transit instruments and conduct a comprehensive review of
their implementation in due course.\\ [0.5ex]
    \tiny Source: \cite{Arvis2011}\\ Original Source: Almathy Programme of Action 2003. UN-OHRLLS (UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States); World Bank
\caption{The Transit Operation}
    \tiny Source: Author


\chapter{Strategic Trade Policy}
\section{Model of Brander (1981)}\label{ModelofBrander1981}
Assume that there are two countries, Home and Foreign, with one firm in each. The profit function of the home and foreign firms are given as follows:



where $x$($y$) and $u$($v$) are products of home (foreign) firm which provide supply for the home market and foreign market, respectively. Meanwhile, $W'(x+gy)$ and $W'(gu+v)$ are the demand function in the home market and foreign market, respectively. The firms maximize profit and compete \'{a} la Cournot in determining the quantities. Hence, the best response of the two firms are given by the first order condition of equation \eqref{profithomeinbradermodel} and equation \eqref{profitforeigninbrandermodel}, which yield:
\pi_x&=W'+xW^{''}-c&= 0,\\
\pi^*_y&=gW'+g^2yW^{''}-c&= 0,\\
\pi_u&=gW'+g^2W^{''}-c&= 0, \\
\pi^*_v&=W'+vW^{''}-c&= 0

Omitting some calculation, we restate the outcome of the analysis as follows:
\dfrac{dx}{dg}<0, \\

Hence, the equations, equation \eqref{gonx} and equation \eqref{gongy}, show the effects of the iceberg cost on the output. Intuitively, it states that a decrease in transportation cost increases (decreases) the foreign (domestic) share in the domestic market.

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